MOMRAH Consultancy Services for the Urban Development Priorities (eUDP) Platform
This pioneering and ambitious project comes in line with the initiative “Implementing the Concept of Urban Management and Urban Development Priorities”. Through it, the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing aims to enhance the urban development priorities throughout the Kingdom by establishing and implementing a comprehensive urban management concept program at the local level in cities.
The project seeks to achieve a set of interrelated and integrated goals, which are summarized as follows:
Establishing determinants, standards and priorities for urban development within an integrated and unified approach.
Develop standards, units, and planning weights that govern and prioritize the implementation of development programs and projects.
Developing, operating and disseminating the digital platform for spatial development management according to the indicators received from urban observatories.
The implementation of the project is based on a solid methodology that takes into account the following basic components:
- The relevant existing platforms, and the possibility of integrating the development priorities platform with them, while identifying the gap and the requirements to fill it.
- Being guided by the best international experiences and practices in the field of urban development priorities.
- Inference from the research and studies carried out by the Ministry and the partners on topics related to the project.
- Involve partners in the process of understanding the current situation, identifying the requirements of the various parties, and formulating mechanisms to meet those requirements through the digital platform for development priorities.
How GPC empowers the client
- Participation of a team of experts in the field of urban planning.
- Best international practices of urban development standards.
- Latest technology in planning and designing smart geospatial solutions.
- Full documentation with capacity building and training.
The Bottom Line
The scope of work included the following services:
- Situation assessment for the existing urban development and spatial platforms.
- Review the existing criteria and standards for public services and facilities.
- Study and summarize the local studies related to urban development.
- Study 6 best international benchmarks relevant to urban development standards.
- Conduct various workshops with the relevant stakeholders from public services and infrastructure sectors.
- Enhance and develop the urban development criteria and standards for public services facilities.
- Build a digital platform (geospatial based) for urban development priorities.
- Training and capacity building
About Our Customer

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing
The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs was established in 1395 AH / 1975 AD by Royal Decree No. (A / 266) dated 10/8/1395 AH, and was entrusted with the responsibility of urban planning for the cities of the Kingdom, and what this entails in providing roads and basic equipment, improving, and beautifying cities, and developing municipal and rural areas. In addition to managing the services necessary to maintain the cleanliness and health of the environment in the Kingdom, and in the year 1442 AH / 2021 AD, a royal order was issued to include the Ministry of Housing in the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs.

The Geosmart Solution Provides:
- Flexibility of updating the urban development standards
- Operational dashboards and executive reports.
- Web mapping viewer (Mobile enabled)
- Administration of the solution (users, data, map viewer)

- The existing urban planning standards covering the public services standards only.
- The completeness and accuracy of the spatial data.
- Open-source technology used to build the existing solutions/ platforms

- ArcGIS Enterprise solution
- Oracle Database
Benefits or Results