UAE National Spatial Data Infrastructure Program
The project will help FGIC to better coordinate and leverage government investment in geospatial data and applications, establish the institutional, technical elements and governance processes that are needed to support more effective data sharing and utilization across government and society of the UAE, and provide the strategy and roadmap of specific actions that need to be carried out to achieve successful program implementation.
How GPC Empowers the Client
Drawing on GPC Group proven experience and long-established knowhow in conceiving, developing, and rolling out Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) programs for dozens of clients around the world, GPC worked out with the client and more than 40 government and semi-government organizations to help shape out a common governance and collaboration framework for developing and maturing the SDI program at the federal level based on a well-defined strategy that provides a compass direction for an implementation strategy complemented by a set of procedures and methods developed as part of a comprehensive program design and implementation plan that help the stakeholders in the how-to implementation activities for the targeted program components.
The Bottom Line
As one of its early activities, the FGIC will oversee and guide the development of a Study and Design Phase for the Implementation of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure for the UAE. This is to be based on a well-conceived and effective framework of structured governance and based on policies, legislation, and approved standards. This study is to be aligned strongly with the nine pillars of the UN-GGIM Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) which will be localized to meet the unique needs of the UAE. The project will result in a detailed program design for the UAE NSDI as well as a 4-year implementation plan among other several outcomes.
About Our Customer

The Federal Center for Geographical Information (FGIC) facilitates and coordinates the management and organization of the spatial data sector at the federal level, and is considered the official reference at the state level on geographical information, as it is concerned with developing strategic plans, frameworks, policies and standards that guarantee the management, standardization, dissemination, integration and protection of the confidentiality of vital geographical information, in cooperation with the various concerned authorities in the country.

To coordinate efforts, procedures and policies related to geographical information, and work to develop and disseminate common data & technology standards, specifications, and procedures in the country.
Benefits or Results
- Defining UAE NSDI comprehensive program design covering multiple aspects of data, technology, policy & legal, community development and governance & institutional framework
- Developing data sharing standards at the federal level
- Developing policy and legal framework and instruments to organize UAE NSDI activities
- Define NSDI implementation plan including projects phasing and prioritization