KSA Geospatial Strategy and Operating Model
GPC is currently providing PwC with Subject Matter Expert (SME) support in preparing the technical inputs and analysis to conduct the KSA Geospatial market assessment study, participating in (12) sectors stakeholders sessions/ workshops to assist in facilitating the technical discussion points, providing feedback and inputs for the proposed GASGI operating model assessment, providing feedback and inputs on the gap analysis provided based on the conducted international benchmarking study, and developing of the Standards, Terms and Conditions Documents for the proposed practitioner’s qualification/classification and permits/ license issuances. The effort resulted in a series of specific recommendations and the definition of actions required for implementation.
How GPC Empowers the Client
GPC Group benefits the client by utilizing our extensive experience in managing more than (68) Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) projects across the globe in general, and in the Geospatial consultancy and implementation experience in serval government and private sectors within MENA Region and Globally sectors specifically which was the focus of this project.
The Bottom Line
The scope of work included the following services:
- Review questionnaire developed to conduct a geospatial and surveying sector assessment
- Attend 12 meetings with 12 different sectors to assist in facilitating technical discussion points
- Provide technical input and analysis required to conclude the market assessment study
- Provide technical input and analysis required on sector and institutional operating model assessment study
- Provide insights on the geospatial and surveying sector in UAE and other benchmarked countries
- Provide insights on the geospatial and surveying regulating and operating entities in UAE and other benchmarked countries
- Provide technical input to the process, requirements and relevant terms and conditions for licensing and permitting for relevant licenses and permits in the sector
- Provide technical input on processes related to classification and qualification of practitioners in the field
- Review project deliverables and provide insights on KSA context
About Our Customer

The KSA General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information (GASGI) was established based on the following resolutions:
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (70) dated 22/4/1410H (text of the Resolution), which stipulates restricting all agencies operating in the field of surveying and producing maps, whether in government agencies or others, and collecting and concentrating all their work in one device called (Central Survey Administration), which shall be responsible for Every survey job needed by any governmental or non-governmental agency.
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (133) dated 2/5/1422H (text of the Resolution) approving the transformation of the Central Survey Administration at the Ministry of Defence into a Commission called the “General Commission for Survey” that has legal personality and an independent budget and is linked to the Minister of Defence.
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (8) dated 14/1/1427H (text of the Resolution) approving the organization of the General Commission for Survey and its organizational structure and guide in the attached formulas, and the board of directors of the Authority may – within the limits of its competence – amend the organizational guide.

The solution comprises the following items:
The currently ongoing project aims to overcome the below identified challenges:
- Data:
There is no central Database accompanied by challenges in acquiring data due to absence of direct link for sharing, data is still obtained via formal letters.
- Legal & Policy:
Lack of data clarity in standardized policies, policies and regulations on data sharing and ownership.
Permitting process is long and discourage invest of foreign investors in Saudi
- Service Delivery:
Lack of using modern technology and lack of qualified contractors within Geospatial & Survey Sector.
Inconsistency in knowledge & use of Saudi Arabia National Spatial Reference System (SANSR).
- Financials:
Existing initiatives of geospatial data is not well commercialized
Lack of incentive model to encourage private sector to share and validate their geospatial data.
- Capacity & Education:
Weakness in Fresh graduates with the needed technical knowledge and trainings.
Lack of required specialties and competencies and of specialized training programs.
Benefits or Results
The below benefits or results are expected to be achieved upon the completion of the current ongoing project: